I am passionate about L&D.
❓But why is that, you might ask. Why is she telling us all the time to learn and to develop and embrace change and do things???
It’s a good one. I was not always like that…
🌟Although I have to admit I liked school. I liked to go to school. I was actually a bit of “teacher’s pet”, to be frankly honest.
I liked to be told I’ve done well. Hence, I’ve nicely developed perfectionism…Which, to be honest, is not the best all the time, is it?
🌟Years passed, I left school and started working. And I still wanted to be told I’ve done well, wanted to be perfect in absolutely everything I was doing…
I know you say, we all do, we all like to hear: “Great job; excellent presentation; well done…”. Yes, but there should be a limit. It should not be a never-ending fight and an everyday sprint towards the appreciation from the others. Where did appreciating ourselves, trusting our abilities, having self-confidence go?
🌟I was always in that competitive mode of: I am going to be the best, without realizing or not willing to realize what it costs: Friendship, nonsense conflicts, health. Just because I wanted be perfect and I wanted to hear it from others all the time. I had moods. I was angry a lot.
I was living in this “funny bundle” for quite some time. Because I did not know otherwise. Because we are not taught this at school…
🤩 And then, I discovered it. I could learn and start understanding things. I understood why I behaved the way I did. Why things were happening certain way to me and most importantly how to get out of it. As I must say, I was not very happy then.
It was a revelation. My amazing transformation started. And I got addicted. Addicted on learning, growing and sharing with others.
🤩 No wonder I wanted to be a teacher when I was a kid. I had it in me since the beginning ;-).
I truly believe we can all do it. We can all be having a great career, which we enjoy & grow in it, and we keep our work-life balance.
You know that impossible actually says I’m possible😂.
🆙 But, yes, it requires work. It requires our mindset shift. It needs dedication and will. And discipline comes very handy as well. Afterwards, it’s a great ride. I can tell you;-).
I hear people saying: “I need a change”, but actually not wanting to change what and how they do things.
Don’t like being told what to do. Don’t like being given tasks… Well that’s absolutely fine. You don’t have to. This one is not for you. Things might not change or transform. But it’s everyone’s choice.
🆙So what will you choose? Impossible or I’m possible?
Have fun & Stay yourself.🤩🥳😁